My daily routine is one I've used for a while now. I'll start with my evening routine, then move to my morning routine.
Each evening, I use the St. Ives scrub. I have oily skin and lots of large pores and blackheads. I've been using this daily for just over a week now and I've seen some improvement. I follow that with the Mario Badescu Special Cucumber Lotion. I then apply the MB Glycolic Eye Cream, then I apply MB Seaweed Night Cream. If I have a break out, I use the MB Drying Cream (VERY good at trying out breakouts - highly recommend). At least once a week I use the MB Silver Powder on my nose and chin. It does a great job of clearing blackheads.
Each morning, I wash my face with MB Botanical Facial Gel, followed by MB Special Cucumber Lotion and Aloe Moisturizer SPF 15. In the summer months, I use very little moisturizer. A lot of times I will apply moisturizer and wipe most of it off. If I don't, my make up disappears by 10:00 AM.
In the very near future (another week or two) I hope to purchase the Clarisonic Mia 2. It's my hope that I will see an ever better improvement of my skin with daily use (ultimate goal will be to reduce oil, reduce the size of pores, and reduce the amount of blackheads). I'll be sure to blog about progress when I get it!!
Also, I'll be reviewing L'Oreal Ever Creme. It a new product (it was still behind the counter at Ulta today) that is supposed to be similar to WEN for hair. My hair dries out fairly easy since I blow it straight. I'll blog and review that as well.
Much Love!